Since the arrival of our Lovely Landry I have heard this phrase 1000 more times than is necessary:
"Wow...Looks like you've got your hands full!"
My response has always been "maybe - but my heart is full, too."
I get asked how I do "it" a lot. Ryan has been working lots of long hours lately leaving me and kids to create our own kind of fun in the evenings. I have been extremely lucky to have my momma here with me in August and she has been a HUGE help.
I never really know what to say/how to answer that question, though. I guess I've adopted the Nike slogan and I "just do it". ;) Really - we just live big in really small ways. I'm okay with the kids playing alone while I clean out school bags/make dinner/change clothes/take 2 minutes to use the restroom...alone! :)
I think facebook, blogs, instagram, pinterest and all social media allows us to portray our lives in fantastical ways. If you've never met me you may think that my kids are always well groomed, I craft and cook the day away with a smile on my face, the house and yard are groomed to perfection and well that life is easy.
Not while our life is not "hard" by any means - it's definitely not easy, either.
I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water lots of days. But, I use the time I am given with these three as best as I can. Our commute home can vary in time, but we use it to play games, sing songs, act silly and make our game plan for the night's activities (all while keeping my hands at 10 & 2, promise).
Then it's in the door, shoes off, clothes changed, dinner preppin', cantstopuntileverythingisdone part of our day. Radley and Emmy LOVE to help me cook - so lots of times its them on the counter right next to me stirring (tasting), measuring (spilling food everywhere), and pouring (again spilling more food).
If not helping - they are playing in our family room. We get creative (see picture above - Niki, please note the bottom right depiction of NYC) and LOUD while we are jamming from anything to the Jersey Boys soundtrack to Little Big Town to kids praise music.
Laughter (and tears) can be heard. Mommy may have "a" moment but I cherish THESE moments.
All these ordinary moments that make up our extraordinary life. The good, the notsogood and even the bad are part of the "fairy tale".
And the bumps and bruises (that for Emmy require "icsh") always heal to reveal the beauty below.
And at the end of the night as we head to bed and peak in on our prince and princesses...
we realize our dreams have already come true.