
Post overload...

So you may have noticed that I went post crazy in the last 24 hours. I think it was six total. Sorry. I was playing catch up.

We finally got our computer back at home with all of our pictures back in order. It still isn't running as fast as I would like, but I think it's because we actually do have 20K+ pics on there (and our backup hard drive) and I have to take the plunge and take them off the computer. I'm scared. I need another back-up plan - so anyone that wants to offer that advice, hit me up.

So, yes, we got all of our pictures back. Well, all of them except New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I cried. I know that it is much more about the memories that were made than the pictures that were taken, but it was our last major holiday as a family of four. It was a wonderful evening out with my favorite 3 people in the world and man, those glow stick pictures were just adorable. And I never, I mean NEVER  delete pictures from my camera the day that I take them.

Oh well, I need to let it go. Just let it go.

In fun news, I have started converting our blog into a book with Blogs2Print. All you bloggers out there should check them out - super easy and very cool way to preserve all your posts.

And just because you are such faithful readers and have sat through a bombardment of me recalling our simple little lives... a sneak peak of MAKs room.

This is right above the glider and I love it.

Happy hump day!

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