
Simple summer recap...

I'm kind of late with this recap, but I'm counting it as a win since it's still August for another 2 hours. We set a goal to have a "simple summer" this year and I think we achieved just that, crossing every item off our summer bucket list, except camping. (We will hopefully get to that this fall.)

In case you missed our other adventures, here's a little recap...

Visit another state - check

The kids and Ryan went on a mini road trip in August and managed to cross the border and hit Oklahoma. 

Travel somewhere with Gigi and Pops - sorta. 

With MaMaw's unexpected accident in May, my moms summer got turned upside down. She's been in Baton Rouge ever since...so while we technically didn't get to travel with Gigi and Pops, we did travel to see Gigi! (And Pops later, too!) 

This was their tiger face.

Visit 3 new parks - check. 

We decided to celebrate hop a park day by hopping the 3 splash parks in town - so so so much fun!

Make homemade ice-cream - check.

You know why ice cream tastes so good?? Because of this... 

This was a super fun, sorta random evening that I highly recommend you try soon!

Volunteer together - check.

Holly organizes volunteer hours at the food bank each summer and I'm so glad that we get to be part of this!

Pop fireworks/sparklers - check.

We couldn't let July 4th pass without checking this one off our list!

Make sun tea - check.

I just don't think summer can happen without making this at least once. 

Scavenger hunt - check.

Pokemon Go ended up counting as a scavenger hunt AND treasure hunt. The kids had so much fun with this game ... and we are still on the hunt for more!

PJ day/Skip Day/Yes Day - check.

I decided that I could say yes for 24 hours... I didn't let the kids know when it was going to happen and I think I had more fun than they did!

I mean, how could I say no to these four faces?

Go to the beach - check.

Our minivacay was my favorite weekend of the summer. 

We5Kings absolutely love the beach!

Library day - check.

We did this more than once - checking out books at the library may be my new favorite thing.

Bury a time capsule - check.

I can't wait to dig this up in 5 years! The kids had such a good time finding things to put into our jar... I think they are going to love digging this up!!!

So there you have it - our simply amazing, simple summer!


Spiel the Beans: Who Ya Rootin' For

Has it really been two weeks already? Seems like yesterday Shelly and I were gabbing about our school days. Whew, I may need a nap just thinking about all that has happened since then. But we made it mommas! The first week of school is done and now it's time for one of the most fun seasons of the year .... FOOTBALL!!

Here's the truth. I try to act like I'm not a "die hard". I play it off like I'm not competitive, or that I don't really care. But y'all... I am simply cray on football day. We basically can't watch the games because I go through every emotion possible in those four quarters. Twice.

I watch all the hype videos, I let my hopes get up. I talk about how high we are ranked, I analyze stats as if I know what I'm talking about. I GO CRAY. It's ridiculous and hilarious.

This is seriously me during the Bama game in 2013.

But beyond all of that behind-the-couch-sitting, there is just something about the start of Fall that makes Aggieland even more of a special place. All my Aggie friends will/can agree that we have some unusual traditions that my non-Aggie friends think are crazy.

And, well, maybe we are a little crazy, but we are also bound together by a "Spirit that can ne'er be told".  As the fall begins and the anniversary of the Bonfire tragedy approaches, I'm reminded just why this place is so special. It seems odd, but that day, that moment in time, while tragic, will also remain one of my proudest moments as an Aggie. In the days that followed 40,000+ students, community members, former students and others came together to support a fallen school. Every one did as much as they could and no matter how big or small the gesture, it was felt by all of us. 

I LOVE living in College Station and I love working at Texas A&M. Now, while I may joke about the small things that sometimes drive me crazy, I am glad that my kids will grow up here and hopefully grow to love this school as much as Ryan and I do.

We've been hitting the tailgates since Radley was tiny which means the brainwashing started early. I'm pretty sure he's hooked because he's won money on more than one occasion.

I know we have "Aggie jokes" and people don't always take us seriously. We have the reputation for being conservative to a fault and a little on the cultish side....BUT there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not proud to wear that ring on my right hand.

Because we also have Maroon Out, the 12th Man, Silver Taps and Muster.

As a student, I got to witness some great football games - I don't know that we ever lost at Kyle Field when I was here...(Maybe we did and that was one of those times I don't remember)....but more than that I got to LIVE the Aggie Spirit.

Personal top three proudest Aggie moments:

1. Aggie Bonfire 1999 - see above
2. Red, White and Blue Out 2001 - In eleven days 1 student's idea came to life as over 80,000 people stood in Red, White and Blue to "Stand for America". They raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for victims of 9-11 while showcasing what Texas A&M is all about. I can remember exactly where I stood that game.

We are a campus full of energy and spirit. Committed to something bigger than ourselves. When I arrived in Aggieland in August of 1997, I never in a million years would have thought I would have made this home. And I don't know that I did. I do know that this home made me. This place holds countless memories, laughter through tears moments and some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for. I met the man of my dreams, started a family and created a life.

It's sounds weird to those that have never lived it. Even as I type I want to roll my eyes at myself - because this can't be real life. But it is. Aggies are a different breed. We believe in a "spirit that can ne'er be told" and we live that spirit every day. It's more than just a school. I have tried countless times to describe it but I guess our saying is true... "From the inside looking out you can't explain it and from the outside looking in you can't understand it." It may just be impossible.

I am proud to be a 12th Man.

And love every bit of crazy that I am.


Can't wait to hear all about your schools!!! Tell us your favorite traditions, best memories, big games, special moments, even those tough losses. Please place a link back to your specific post URL and not your blog homepage and use the hashtag #spielthebeans on other social media!

Please place a link back to both hosts in either your post or on your party page so that others can link up too. It's a party, try to visit at least 2 other posts and show them some love!  This is the fun part! Be inspired, inspire someone else - don't just link and run!  

We would love, love, love for you to follow us on some form of social media!

Follow Shelly: {Instagram} {Bloglovin} {Pinterest} {Facebook
Follow Katy: {Instagram} {Bloglovin} {Pinterest} {Facebook}

ps. We are also both on Snapchat and pretty darn funny. You can find Shelly @queeninbetween1 and Katy @Katygking 

And don't forget to keep spieling the beans... 



Let's Talk: Fall Favorites

Y'all. The temperatures are about to drop to a LOW 80 DEGREES.... Can I get an AMEN!?!?!

I honestly feel like I am fiercely loyal to the current season I am in....until I am not whatsoever and then I'm all ...

So while we had one pretty epic summer.... I am so dang excited for FALL! I am counting down the days until it is acceptable for me to turn my mantle back in to this... 

The fragrance, the food, the fashion, and let's not forget the excitement of football season (more about that tomorrow). Fall is simply the best! 

Fall Fragrance

I am a sucker for candles and my absolute without a doubt favorite are from Bath & Body Works

My favorite two are Sparkling Amber and Mahogany Teakwood. (Y'all these are currently on sale for $12.50... BUY ALL THE CANDLES!).  I also am on the pumpkin bandwagon, but I usually spend a lot less on those and just go with Glade. ;)

Fall Food

Fall is the perfect time for comfort food. Some of my families favorites... 

And let's be honest, once the temperature drops even half a degree, my coffee consumption increases by about 110% just a little. ;)

Fall Fashion

I mean, I can't even stand the cuteness of these kids. I also can't handle the week worth of cool weather we get where I can layer it up, pull out my booties and generally be incredibly cozy walking around all day. I have been so inspired by Shelly with how she mixes patterns, layers it up and makes every single day a day filled of fashion of fun. I feel like I am the bravest in the fall. 

Also. Why don't I smile in these pictures? HAHA!

And I clearly have a love affair with ponchos. But, I ask you, WHY WOULDN'T I...


Yep. The fall means football around here, or should I say fútbol. 

Radley has his first practice of the year tonight. He joined the local club program this year and we are excited to see him to continue to develop in a sport that he loves. Emersyn totally rocked as a soccer star last year, but she's laying low this season and will probably play again in the spring. 

Shelly and I are talking all about American football tomorrow so make sure to join us for our next Spiel the Beans link-up!

So there you have it - some of the reasons I love fall. Can't wait to read everyone linking with Andrea and Erika about what gets you so excited about this season!!



Little girl, BIG first...

This larger-than-life little first grader had a big first last week. She finally lost her first tooth... but don't think it was easy, no, this took some time and effort on everyone's part. 

Her tooth had been loose for weeks... she wiggled it back and forth and back and forth... much like when we are preparing ourself to try something new...we have to work our way up to do it. 

Sometimes it hurts, or it's just plain scary and it takes being brave, showing courage, and putting trust into the person that is helping us along the way. 

And, sometimes, even when you think you are TOTALLY READY... 

something tells you to stop. And you do. 

I love watching my kids be brave - I love seeing them try something new. I love the purpose that their reminders serve in my life. And while you may be sitting there thinking, "Katy, it's just a tooth..." to them it is so much more. It's conquering the unknown, it's putting up with a bit of pain, it's trusting others... Their bravery lets me know that I can be brave, too. I can conquer the unknown, I can put up with a bit of pain (physical/emotional/mental) and I can and should trust others  ... in this case Him. When I was looking back at these pics I snapped, the message of faith was just screaming at me. 

He shows up in the oddest places, because, well, He shows up in all the places. If we let him. And when we do trust Him, then that bravery is fueled by a much stronger force than our own. 

And so we try again. 

We go to that place of fear and anxiety thats also filled with thrill and excitement.

And we put up with a little pain. 

We may, at one point, hear the naysayers and decide that we can't do it... 

but we try again. 

And then we do. (And sometimes, the memory is blurry... or the photographer is crappy at taking pictures). 

And what we find, is that what comes after is stronger, more capable and longer lasting than the fear of losing what we had to begin with. 

Yes, He shows up in the oddest places. 

I started by writing a memory of Emersyn losing her first tooth, but He wanted me to tell a different story today... so I did. What are you doing today to be brave? How are you letting Him help you?