
Happy Monthday...

Lillian Landry King 

you are


so what have you been up to lately?

Well, I am a delinquent momma and forgot to schedule your well-check appointment until Monday so it won't happen until next week. I would guess you are 23 inches and weigh 11-12 pounds. (maybe). 

Updated Stats:
Length: 23 inches; >50th percentile
Weight: 11lbs 9oz; >50th percentile
Head Circumference: 39.5 cm; ~50th percentile

You ran out of newborn diapers about 2 weeks ago so we moved you up to size 1. You are also outgrowing most of you newborn clothes and are mainly in 0-3 months. I have put you in some 3 month onesies because they are too darn cute but you have tons of room to grow. 

You are strong. You will lay on your tummy and hold your head up and today we sat you in the bumbo and you LOVED it.

As evidenced by this series of pictures your cheeks are plumping up nicely.

You may be the world's sweetest baby. I think the most you've cried is the day you were born. You are just smiley and cute and so happy! Emmy and Radley bring the biggest grins to your face. You love your swing, your nap nanny, and your changing table the most. You will just sit and coo and "talk" as long as I let you. 

(hope I didn't just jinx anything)

Up until about 3 days ago we had a great nursing relationship but you've kinda been unpredictable the last couple of days. You eat every 3-4 hours and have only had 2 bottles of expressed milk in these 2 months. (I go back to work soon, so I hope you adjust ok). 

You have been a great sleeper just like your siblings. We put you down for the night between 8-9pm. I dream feed you around 11pm without waking you up and you will sleep until around 5 or 6am. 

Keep that up sister!!

(again, hope I didn't just jinx that)

My heart is so full, Landry. We never knew we were missing anything until you were placed in our arms. I could cry as I type this thinking about how much I love you. My days have been so fulfilled spending time with you and I can't bear to think maternity leave will end in 3 weeks. You are an absolute delight and I am so thankful for such a healthy, happy, beautiful baby girl!!!

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