
Job perks...

I loved going to work with Mom and Dad when I was little {with Mom I got to hang out with cute college kids and with Dad I got to boss people around ... win win ;)}. I actually loved the work side, too. Mom worked at a used bookstore so I would get lost for hours in fun old comics, books and even baseball cards. Dad was a manager at JcPenney growing up so I was usually a big help when it came to setting up displays, organizing the break room, wrapping presents, etc...  And I am happy to say that a little man I know also loves when he gets to go to work with me!

Especially when we stop for donuts before arriving. 

And today was extra special because we got to take a ride on this... 

And that made him look like this...

You may be wondering why in the world that I, a professional "leadership developer" :), would ever need/get to ride on a train for work. Well, turns out we have a safety committee that works with Union Pacific since the train tracks literally split our campus in half. 

What can I say? I'm kind of a big deal. HA!

At least this kid thought so for an hour today....

It was pretty awesome. Train travel is the way to go.

Tons of leg room.
Every seat reclines, like RECLINES.
Every seat had a foot rest. 
Fun little restrooms with a special tiny sink just for teeth brushing. 
A vanity area so we can reapply that make-up, ladies. 

And the view wasn't too shabby either... 

Radley had an absolute blast!

But all that excitement wore him out and he fell asleep since the ride was so soothing.
(Excuse the Mom-fanny)

 We woke up and finished our day with me at work and him headed off to school.
But what a sweet blessing to share in these tiny moments that hopefully make a big impression on his enormous heart. 

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