
Happy Monthday...

Lillian Landry King

you are


So what have you been up to lately...

Well, you had your well check last week and I am happy to report that I am a pretty good estimator of size! Your official 4/5 month stats...

Length: 25 inches; 50th percentile
Weight: 14.5 lbs; 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 40.5 cm; 50th percentile 

You still eat 5 times a day and we started you on cereal this past weekend. You weren't really that impressed. We will give it a few more nights and if you still don't love it we may just make the move to fruits. 

You still wear a size 1 diaper but once we are done with this box I think we will be heading to Sam's to get size 1-2s. You are mainly in size 3-6 month clothes but can wear a 0-3 month from Old Navy. 

You still love your sleep. You go down every night by 8:30 and sleep until I wake you up at 6:30 to eat and then go back down until 9:30-10. We will more than likely have to make some adjustments to your schedule when you start school next month. :(

We got the jumper-roo out of the attic and oh my goodness...I can tell this is going to bring hours of entertainment for you (and your siblings). You bounce and laugh and bounce and laugh. Radley tries to "help" by spinning you in the seat and you don't seem to mind too much.

You rolled back to front on July 31 and are never in the same position we leave you in. You are definitely the most active baby in the family - maybe it's your survival instincts. 

You smile with your ENTIRE face (see all of the above). Seriously.Happiest.Baby.Ever. I love that you smile so much and you have found your "voice" and just love to squeal and laugh. Radley and Emmy adore making you laugh, too. 

Radley is much more gentle with you than Emmy. He calls you "his sweet baby Landry" and gives you sweet attention. Emmy tackles you. Lots. You laugh. 

You are such an animated little thing. You seem to have a face for everything and your daddy was super excited that "the pirate face" made an appearance!

You love the following:
Sucking your thumb
Playing with your hands
Chewing on your giraffe
Getting tickled
Your pacifier

You take your paci and pop it in and out of your mouth. If you drop it you will reach for it and put it back in your mouth. I doubt if you really know that's where it belongs or if you just want something in your mouth. Either way - baby genius.



You can "tripod" sit for about 25 seconds. 

Not long until you are sitting up on your own!

Oh, Landry... how absolutely LOVELY you are. 

My sweet girl. You complete us...funny how we never knew what was missing until you hit us smack dab in the center of our hearts. We lOve loVe lovE LOVE you little girl!!!

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