
Pancakes at the Playground...

Yesterday morning Radley's new school hosted Pancakes at the Playground for the incoming kinder students. We got there a little early but that just gave Rad and Kayla a little extra time to play! 

It is crazy for me to think about these two starting kindergarten. They literally met at the hospital - she arrived a mere 26 hours before Radley and they have been together ever since. They are really more like siblings than anything else and are growing into such wonderful youngsters.

Four kids from Radley's PreK class are attending the same school and all are enrolled in the Dual Language program. God sure is amazing - answering my fears of this next step by surrounding me with a village of people that I know and trust and value. 

I think I may request that this crew eats pancakes at the playground every year before school, and we take this same picture each year. The countdown continues and the big day is drawing near and I may have to take back my "I won't cry" statement, because the tears are stinging the backs of my eyes as I type this. 

We ended our night by reading him a letter about how each child, teacher, and new friend are all gifts from God and how important it is to show compassion to those that are different from us. We prayed for his future teachers and friends and then maybe I said a silent prayer that I keep it together over the next few days!

How is he almost six years old?
Why was I given such a beautiful and undeserved gift in him?
What will he LOVE about school?
What will make him sad?
How can I help him see the beauty in both?

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