

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. Sharing a meal with the ones I love is one of my most favorite things. 

I also love that instead of worrying about presents or candy or love letters or prizes, everyone is more focused on how they can help.

So much effort and love goes into each dish - and the hands that prepared it are focused on serving others more than pleasing him or herself.

And even princesses contribute!
(Outfit mandated by Pincess Emmy).

No one is too old...

or too young to help. 

And once the meal is prepared we gather together to celebrate in one day what should be celebrated all year long. We expose our thankful hearts and come together in gratitude. 

On my list of thanks this year? 

Happy kids...

Healthy parents...

A handsome husband...

And a home to share with our friends...

and family!

Especially thankful for the tiny crew that keeps smiles on our faces and love in our hearts.

Hope every day is filled with thanks giving for you and yours, too!

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