
Tiny Tales Thursday...

Mom... but if you yell to get my attention, all you are teaching me is to yell to get yours. 


What truth in those words. But they came straight out of Radley's mouth and I had nothing to say except, "You're right, Rad."

And he is. I didn't even justify it by saying that the only time he listens is when I yell, because is that an excuse? Not really.

I have such a love/hate relationship with those times that my kids teach me a lesson in grace and patience and friendship and forgiveness. The guilt that accompanies the feelings of pride is overwhelming, yet that guilt is a gift in itself. It's a reconciliation with myself of how to be better and grow closer to the type of parent that I hope and pray I can be for them.

Yelling is sometimes my default. I am good at it. I am loud. I use it to grab their attention. But I wonder if my silence would be just as loud. If my whisper would garner more attention and better yet, a more positive reaction.

Would my gentleness in their chaos create more peace within their heart? How do I turn the switch down? What can I do differently to teach them to do differently?

When does my loud voice skip over getting attention and lead to getting feared?

All I can do is learn from this tale. Really soak in the moral of the story and move forward with a softer voice and more loving heart.

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