
Big girl...

If I needed any proof that Emmy is indeed a big girl I need to look no further than her daily reports from school. For the past two weeks they have looked like this....

Yep. No accidents. At all. For TWO weeks.
(she will clearly have 14000 accidents tomorrow because of this post)

I almost can't believe it myself. I mean two Saturday's ago she had probably 6 accidents wearing her panties all day. And then it's like she was done/over it/ready to be big. I don't even know if we deserve to be so lucky - I don't feel like we had any "training" in this potty training phase. 

It's funny how small she is compared to Radley at this age, but how much more grown up she seems. 

She dropped the paci in one night simply because we couldn't find it. 
She decided one day that she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed.
She drinks out of regular cups at home. 
She dresses herself.
She puts on her own shoes. 
And now she uses the potty.


I think it's simply because she is "little miss independent." All of these things were definitely on her terms (except the paci). Her favorite phrases include, "I do it!" "I a BIG gurl!" and so on. 

She is loving this age and we are loving watching her become a {little} big girl. 
Although I want to cry just thinking about it. 

Love you, Emmy! So proud of the petite princess that you are!!!

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