
Super Saturday...

Back to our weekend....Saturday morning the women folk headed out to the "trifecta" as I like to call it (I actually just made that up for this story, but now I like it, so I'm going to stick to it) otherwise known as Target, HobLob and Nail Salon. It was glorious. 

We returned in time for a quick kid hand off and the men folk headed out for some golf. 

I forced asked them to take some pics of their day...

Super jealous of my dad's legs.

Then we all headed out to Freddy's for dinner.


Then the BIGGEST kids (people over the age of....30...gross) got dressed and headed out on the town.

These guys were too busy in a brawl to take over a galaxy far far away.

Master Pops was the ref.

And THIS is what we pulled up to Northgate in.

A minivan.

My parents rented it for the weekend so we had plenty of space for everyone.



We {kinda} tried to act like we still "had it" but we quickly realized that 10 years away from the bar scene may have hindered our street cred. 

(for the record - I did win the 'trick shot' game.)

Look at us. Maybe we do still "got it".

(I know we "got" some wrinkles)

It was just fun to get away with these two guys. We are at the point where we have all lived a part longer than we lived together and while that makes me sad, I also love to witness the lives we create for ourselves. And know without a doubt that they will always be by side when I need them.

We played pool and shuffle board, chatted, laughed, and did all the things I would love to do every weekend with these two guys.

It was a "super" Saturday... can't wait for the next one!

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