
Tiny Tales Thursday...

I'm sure you've all heard about the horrible accident in West, Texas. My hometown is about 20 miles south of West, so the tragedy is very close to home. Radley regularly asks how my day was at work and wants to know what I did. Today I coordinated some relief efforts and was explaining as best as I could what happened.

Rad: So kids lost everything?
Me: Yes, buddy. Some people lost everything.
Rad: I would be so sad if that happened to us. 
Me: I know, buddy.
Rad: (crying now) I want to do something, Mommy. I want to help. 
Me: Ok, buddy. Don't cry... 
Rad: But they don't even have toys and I cried a lot today about getting a toy taken away. They don't have anything.
Me: It's ok...
Rad: I want to give them my toys...

What a sweet and loving boy I am blessed to raise. That he can understand, process and react to this situation on his own gives me hope for our future. God is always at work in us. 

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