
Happy Monthday...

Well, you made it! Sweet Sixteen {Months}!

The past two months have been pretty big for you. Your hair is growing longer and thicker, your teeth are appearing at rapid rates, your words are following fast behind, and I think there is one more thing...what is it...

oh yeah...


You finally decided that on Father's Day you would rather walk than crawl. I guess you just needed a special occasion. 

At 15 months you were 2 ft, 6.25 inches tall and weighed 20 pounds. You are 1.5 inches taller at 15/16 months than Emersyn was at 19/20 months. :) 

You still enjoy doing whatever it is that Rad and Emmy are doing. Like playing cars...

climbing into Emmy's bed all.by.Yourself (and giving me a heart attack when I heard that music come on from the kitchen)...

playing dolls, playing make believe (you love talking on the phone) or getting into any other kind of mischief with them. You LOVE them. 

Your new favorite thing to do is be Mommy's helper - if I am sweeping the floor, then you get your tiny broom and help. If I'm picking up trash, you aren't far behind. You love being right next to us and copy our every move. 

You pick up on things so quickly - you throw trash away on your own, put your shoes "in the basket" when you come inside, attempt to get on Emmy's step stool so you can wash your own hands, etc.. And while I appreciate the help - slow down sister - you are my BABY!


Toy/game - hands down playing "mommy". Every day we get home, you head straight to Emmy's closet and get your self-appointed stroller and baby and walk around, with a purse and a phone. 

Phrase -  You tell everyone "thank you" when they help you with something... it comes out with a very quite "thane uuu"... you also like to blow on your food and say "hot hot". 

Person - Me! Yes you are a momma's girl and I not-so-secretly love it!

Food - you eat pretty much anything we give you. 

You have gotten SIX teeth in the past 2 months including your molars - and we didn't even realize it. We knew you were a little grumpy, but we didn't know that those two big back teeth were coming in. Oops. 

Your giggles are growing as fast as you are and we love you more and more each day.

And the craziest thing you've done these past two months? Well, it only took you forever to walk and then one day you decided you could do this, too...

Watch out world, Lovely Landry is on the MOVE!!! 

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