
Daddy's Day...

We had to get a little creative when celebrating Father's Day this year. As I have learned all to well... planning really has no purpose. :) I decided to ride to Baton Rouge with Pops and Pete to visit MaMaw; we felt that it was smarter to leave the kids at home since it would be such a quick trip and we would be hanging out in a hospital for 24 hours. 

So, since I would miss most of Father's Day, we decided to start the celebration early. When Ryan got home on Friday we had a little craft surprise set up for him. And while Ryan was excited, can we pause to reflect on that cute little look Emmy is giving Rad.

We had to snap a quick picture before everyone was full of messes. I would also like to note that Radley practically jumped onto Ryan for this picture. 

Ryan is always up for time with the kids - even if it means covering his hands in paint at an attempt to create a keepsake that turned out less than adorable. So un-adorable that I didn't take a picture of it. We tried to make this little diddy that's been floating around pinterest except we thought it would be a good idea to use the colors of the rainbow and it turned out like some sad attempt at 1970s wall art.

But it's about making memories, right?

Saturday morning we left for Baton Rouge and Ryan held the fort down. Saturday included time at the pool and ice cream for dinner along with some of the sweetest bed time prayers you have heard... 

Sunday he got them dressed and took them to church but not before sending me lovely pictures like of giant snot coming out of Emmy after a sneeze. Aren't I the luckiest girl around?  We gave MaMaw kisses goodbye and then headed back to CS where Pops got some Daddy's Day loving from these three...

Then we hung out with our Daddy who took us all out for some ice-cream in our pjs.

We gave him one last squeeze before sending everyone away to dreamland. 

A place where I think I get to live.

And while my life isn't a dream every moment of every day; I have been given a gift in this man. He is far from perfect, he drives me crazy faster than anyone on the planet, he listens about 45% of the time, and he has some 100 items unaccomplished items on his honey-do list.


He is mine. He is ours. He lives for us. He gives us everything he has.

And for that, I am grateful!

1 comment:

  1. You make me a better man everyday Katy. I have my poor habits and flaws, but you still manage to love me. You are the grace that God gives me everyday! I love you babe!
