
How She Does It: Jenn....

It's been a while since I did a post in this series and well, I think it's time to highlight one of my favorites...

This is Jenn.
(and her adorable 3 kiddos: Jackson, Adalyn and Henry)

We've met once. For five minutes. At my friend, Niki's, wedding. 

If we happened to live in closer proximity than say, 1500 miles, I'm sure we would be inseparable. Niki introduced us because of our similarities and I think we both maybe dismissed her enthusiasm because becoming "besties" with a complete stranger is pretty, for lack of better word, strange. Then I began blog stalking her and Niki was right - we would make pretty great friends. 

The blog world really is much smaller than we realize and I have loved watching Jenn's family grow and seek/share advice when needed. 

What she does.

Jenn is a SAHM of three of the most adorable kiddos. Jackson (5), Adalyn (3) and Henry (1). She's insanely in love with her husband, Dave and a strong Christian woman.

She sews. She bakes. She takes photographs. She crafts with her kids. She loves Jesus. She makes homemade one-of-a-kind gifts for just about everyone. Like all of her neighbors. She wakes up at 5am to work out. She is pretty much Pinterest without needing to pin anything. 

The amount of energy she puts into everything is pretty amazing - and that's coming from just what I see on a 17 inch screen. She doesn't sugar coat anything about her life - she is real and honest. Celebrating the frustrations along with all the happy moments, freely sharing all that it takes to be on this mommy ride. 

2012 did not start out kindly for them. All 3 kiddos got this very rare, very strange virus that seemed never ending. I don't know what I would have done in the same situation, but Jenn handled it with grace and faith. Such strong, gracious, glorious faith. 

She leaves for a 20 day mission trip to Uganda in 3 days. She is called to serve and acts on that calling. 

How she does it:

She loves Jesus. She honors her husband. She adores her kids. 

In that order. 

She has a great support network. She isn't afraid to say that "its" hard. Because it is. Being a mommy is hard and I have found that when I say that and admit that I don't always have "it" together - "it" gets easier. 

She is motivated by making her children's lives enriched. I love reading about all the creative projects she does with them. They play together. The cook together. The learn together. 

She laughs. When Addie decides to start taking off pjs at naps - Jenn puts them on backwards. 

She prays. Outloud. 

She admits when she's scared. And frustrated. And joyful. And she offers her praises to Him. 

Did I mention that she is leaving for AFRICA in 3 days? She is. She could use your prayers. 

Jenn - I want you to know people notice what you do. You are a great source of motivation and inspiration for me. You set a great example to all us mommies. I'm glad to call you my friend and know that one day we'll get these tots together and enjoy Margarita Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. are you serious?! girl, you have me in tears right now. thank you so much for your sweet sweet post. way too kind...and you give me way too much credit...the only way i "do it" is by God's grace alone. period. your friendship has blessed me in more ways than one...i'm so glad that jami played match-maker for us! :) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your encouragement, support, and prayers. i love you!!!! xoxo
