
Oh Robinson, Our Robinson...

15 years ago I was saying goodbye to some of the greatest people I know, my classmates and friends at Robinson High School. I canNOT believe that it has been 15 years. In my head I am still a kid - clearly not this adult/wife/mom of 3. :)

On Saturday we held a small informal reunion and had the best time reconnecting and catching up. 
May I introduce to you, {part of} the Class of 1997....

Our class is kinda awesome - in that we kinda like each other. A lot. I know that high school isn't the easiest for everyone, but I really do think that we were a class that "got" high school and even if you weren't BFFs  - you were still friends. 

We are very small town, most of us made it from kindergarten to graduation together. We had a few "newbies" join us and others that sadly left. Like most, we fought but we made up. We held back to back Powder Puff Champion titles as well as Back to Back 3A State Marching Champs (because band REALLY was cool at our school. No seriously, it was.) 

We were "the last great class" of RHS, or so we like to think so. 

(My sweet husband didn't realize his hand was in the way of the flash)

 I love that we could all walk into this room and instantly pick up where we left off (which was our 10 year reunion). Facebook has helped us keep in touch and get to know each other again. We keep up with kids and jobs and moves much easier than before, but regardless, we are able to laugh about the past and dream about our futures. 

I love that we are already planning our 20th reunion so we can get together again. 

I love that we didn't stop talking all night.

I love that we wanted to know about siblings, parents, and kids, too. 

I love that we still searched for the "good gossip" of the week. 

I love that we could all talk to anyone in the room and be at ease. 

I love that we wanted to celebrate each other's successes. 

I love that we are us. 

Can't believe it's been 15 years! Here is hoping that the next 15 are just as kind!

S-E-N-I-O-R-S! Seniors, hey! Seniors, hey! 

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