
Royally Waiting: Link-up #8

Hi friends! Thanks so much for coming back for more Royally Waiting. Shelly, Holly and I can't believe that we are two months in - keep those posts coming!

Today I'm going to detour just a bit and focus only on what I'm waiting for - what we always seem to be waiting for around here.... Friday.

And not just because Friday is the beginning of the weekend. We wait on Friday every week because that's the day that Ryan comes home.

Two years ago I wrote this post.



Seven hundred and thirty-one days.

(2016 was a leap year).

Two years since Ryan went from coming home late some nights to simply coming home *some* nights.

And y'all.

I'm not gonna lie.

This sucks.

Landry had just turned three when this traveling life began. We were promised a year that turned into 15 months that has now turned into what seems like forever. Some days I am convinced that this is never going to end. I can't count the number of tears I've cried. I'd guess that I have told him to quit his job 157 times out of the last 137 days.

I'm tired. He's tired. We're tired.

And yet, we keep on. We place one foot in front of the other. We make do. We make it work. We rise up and push through.

I know this is no one's fault yet I can't help but need someone to blame.

Some days I totally rock and keep my cool. Most days I'm overwhelmed and lonely. Every day I miss him. The kids miss him. We need him.

So we wait on Friday when he returns for a glorious 48 hours. He is exhausted and overwhelmed. He's doing his best to give us his best.

We are not promised easy. We are guaranteed trials. We are called to serve Him no matter the circumstance because He serves us. In ways that we see and in many more that we never realize. My faith continues to believe that this is a small hump on a giant hill of blessings. This is a detour in our journey that will easily be forgotten when we reach our final destination of eternal glory.

The bible literally tells me so. In Romans 5 and 8, throughout 1 Peter, in Psalms - He tells us that relying on Him in trials and tribulations produces endurance, renews our souls, delivers us from evil... He tells us this and so much more.

And I have faith.

But y'all this still sucks. But God is still good.

Because this is nothing.... nothing.... compared to the sacrifice that was made for us. I am reminded this week, the holiest of holy weeks, that His life was lived to only serve us. Jesus was born to die. A Father gave us His only son to a world of unworthy sinners.

Surely I can sacrifice four nights a week and humbly wait on Friday.

Thanks for reading today. Thank you for the prayers that I know you will send up. Thank you for being a community to confide in. We are so lucky to share this small world with you.

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  1. You are one of the strongest women I know! Reminds me of the quote "God doesn't give us what we can handle. God helps us handle what we are given." You are a rock star - and I'm here whenever you need help, a shoulder, or just someone to vent to!

  2. If we hold on in faith and keep on keeping one, miracles happen. Life sucks sometimes but it's not permanent. :)

    Great inspiring post, dear.

  3. Friend...I wish I could make all this magically disappear for you! Sharing is so good for your soul though...and being human...so good!
