
Poetry, Turkeys and Cookies too...

Tuesday was oddly crazy which made me even more thankful that I decided to just take the day off. That morning I spent some unexpected quality time with a dear friend before heading to Radley's school for a world renowned poetry slam that included original works by his class. 

Each kiddo created two original works, one about something they like and one about their favorite color. 

Mrs. Ferguson had the class set up so cute, complete with jazz music while we waited. 

I sent in a special request for Radley to go first since Landry also had a school production that morning - 30 minutes after his! 


Each kid read one original work and one poem from Shel Silverstein in spanish - I was so proud of this kid!

Video cred to Uncle Pete - Radley was so pumped that he was there.

I snagged him, hugged him, snapped a pic and then planted a big kiss on his cheek before heading to watch Landry.

Then I was off down the road for this turkey's final Thanksgiving feast as a pre-schooler. Cue all the tears.

That morning she could tell that I was stressed and worried about missing either performance, so she snuggled up next to me, patted my back and said, "Don't worry, Momma, if you can't come, I can sit with my teachahs... I know you wuv me."

This sweet crew has grown from infant to a gaggle of the cutest turkeys ever.

I love how much they were concentrating on their lines...

and hand motions...

and so full of smiles.

I mean, just take a look for yourself.

I may be a bit biased, but, well... you can just imagine how I feel about these two.

And if the day wasn't filled with enough fun there was more. Cindy and I had talked about volunteering at a local shelter for lunch on Thanksgiving, but they had more than enough volunteers for the day. So, Cindy being the genius she is, thought it would be fun for us to make cookies for people that had to work on Thanksgiving.

So the cookie making began...

If you would have told me nine years ago that I'd be in my kitchen on a Tuesday surrounded by six adorable kids...

self-sufficient, capable, strong, independent...

compassionate, caring, 

kind kids....

Well, I would have wanted to believe you because that's the dream, right.

What I wouldn't have believed is just how much I would love those kids, this life, the friends we share it with and all the happy, crazy, mess, busy-filled days in between.

Thankful indeed.

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