
Currently [February]...

Y'all. My computer died. It only works if it's plugged into a power source and it's running super slow and acting weird and I'm nervous. So, we may have some pictureless posts the next few weeks while we are deciding if I need a new one.

So today I'm jumping on the bandwagon and taking the lead from some of the fabulous blogs I read to capture some things that We5Kings are {currently} doing.  I'll try to make this a consistent monthly post, but we all know how things we plan work out!


We are praying for lots of things. Our country, our friends and strangers. Friends going through tough times, loved ones that have lost loved ones. And of course, discernment and direction on our path as it pertains to Ryan's job. We are almost at two years of him traveling 5 days a week and we are ready for him to be home.


Well, I finished Whole30 so...


All the time we got to spend with my brother, SIL and nephew this weekend!


Well, honestly I'm reading the news. I swear, I have watched/read more news in the past 6 months than in the past 16 years. This is basically me...

Radley and I are about 1/3 through Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and can't read fast enough. I'm seriously tempted to let him skip a day of school so we can finish.


I should be embarrassed but I finished season 2 of Fuller House.

And now my computer is moving super slow so I'm throwing in the towel. Please nominate this post for the most irrelevant bits of information shared in the history of ever.

1 comment:

  1. The Half-Blood Prince is my favorite of the entire series! So jealous you are reading them for the first time.
