
KBTB: July

Summer means sunshine and fun, swimming and sunscreen, pizza and movies, staying up late and sleeping in! We've had a blast so far this summer and we are living up every moment we can! Here's what this crew thinks of summer fun...

L to R: Landry, Radley and Emersyn 

1. What two things to you like to do outside in the summer?

R: Jump on the trampoline, play sports and go swimming
E: Play in the backyard and go swimming
L: Play tag and jump on the twampoline

2. If you could go anywhere this summer where would you pick and why?

R: California to visit cousin Owen
E: Going out to eat with just mommy and daddy because I love our dates!
L: Go to New Yowk because I love New Yowk!

3. What is your favorite thing about summer?

E: That we are going to the beach!
L: Going to the beach!

4. How do you like to spend a hot summer day?

R: Go to friends' houses and swim
E: Get sweaty and play with my brother and sister
L: Go swimming

5. What is your favorite summer treat?

R: Ice cream!
E: Cotton candy

Head over to these fun blogs for more summer fun...