

We've had a BUSY month and I did a horrible job of keeping up with everything, so let's just start from the beginning, ok?

August 1st, We5Kings set off for Lakeview along with 260 of our favorite Aggie freshmen. We spent four days at Fightin' Texas Aggie Fish Camp and you can read all about those four days starting here!

As soon as we got home from Fish Camp, Radley got one little rest day and then headed off for Camp Carolina. Emmy didn't want him to stay without her which is ironic since she basically just lives to drive him crazy.

We had to say "see you later" to some of our favorite friends. The Acostas next adventure takes them to Austin and I miss them like crazy. She's the friend you can call or text to laugh with, cry with, be yourself with. We support and challenge and just love each other. I may not have been the best supervisor but she is an incredible friend!

First kid: Register for kinder in April, take tours of campus, ask all the questions at meet the teacher.

Second kid: Register for kinder in May, tell her about campus, sit in back at meet the teacher.

Third kid: "Hi, Mrs. King? ... We were calling to see if you would be registering Landry for school..."

Emersyn has been so into legos this summer. She came home from a trip to visit Gigi and Pops with a new set and went right to work putting this together. She had finished before I even knew she had started!

There's a lot of perks to raising besties with your besties, but one of my favorites is getting to spoil them. I got to take Millie on a quick "before kindergarten" date and had the best time listening to what she was excited about, what she was nervous about and what she couldn't wait to learn! 

Josh and I traded off the six pack a few days two weeks before school started and I did what all smart parents do - took them to a pool so I didn't have to entertain them so they could swim. 

There is some sadness that comes along with watching your kids get older but let me tell you this, mommas in the trenches of diapers and burp cloths and schedules and colic. They DO get older and one day you will get to go to the pool and not have to get in except to cool off and then hop back out to read a book.

And they even get old enough to "lay out" with you!

And if that wasn't fun enough - you'll quit having to worry about ice cream getting all over the car and you can splurge on cones for everyone!

Four the for days they were all together, only one took a nap. 

The countdown to kindergarten started 10 days before school and we got to start in on one of my favorite back to school traditions! 

Landry's nearest and dearest sent her words of wisdom, encouragement and love to get her ready for the big day. You can read her entire lesson plan here...

And the back to school excitement wasn't enough - the whole world stood still to enjoy the "once in a lifetime except it will be back in seven years" eclipse. We went old school with our viewers (we also bought glasses, so no worries!). 

Ryan brought the kids up to campus and shared the glasses with the Aggies but I must say the cereal boxes were a big hit!

I decided if there was ever an excuse for us to be looking anywhere but the camera for a picture, then this was it. Those glasses didn't let in any light unless you were actually looking at the sun!

It really was incredible to watch!

The start of second grade for Emersyn means the start of a new book series. I gave her lots of options and she picked Anne of Green Gables and I am so excited because I've also never read this series! We are already four chapters in and we have loved every page so far!

And one last celebratory "20 years since high school" also means that I have been part of an amazing sisterhood for TWENTY YEARS! Thanks, Mom and Dad!

and that's us in an instant!

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