
Raising the change...

I try to reserve this space for documenting family memories, major milestones, silly antidotes, celebrations and other happenings for We5Kings.

But that's just the highlight reel... and when my three darling children are reading their chapters of this book and commenting on what an amazing mom I was to go to such lengths as to preserve their childhood (something like, "Y'all... we just hit the jackpot with Mom. We should name all of our children after her. Even the boys.") I want them to get the full version.

And sometimes that includes hard, painful moments.

And sometimes those moments are even more difficult to navigate. To explain. To teach.

This weekend was one of those moments.

I'm not sure what I want to express or how I want to get there. I am sure that I can't be silent. I am sure that being silent in the face of hatred is as hurtful as the hate itself.

So I will not be silent. Because my silence sends a message to three humans that I am responsible for raising into considerate, thoughtful, decent, moral adults. I won't act as if this doesn't affect them... because "this" effects all of us.

Sunday as we were living our best glamorous life folding clothes, Ryan looked up and said, "Did you read more about Virginia?"

Me: Yes
Ryan: Did you see the guy?
Me: Yes
Ryan: Did you see how old he was?
Me: Yes

And then we shared a look of sadness and some thoughts of how do we still live in a place of this much hate?

More importantly, how have I lived so long thinking that we were changed? How did I actually believe that this kind of hatred didn't exist? Is it because I try so dang hard to see the good? Or is it, honestly, because it didn't "really" effect me?

Sadly, that's my privilege shining through.

(Sidenote: If you aren't sure what privilege I'm referring to - read here, here, and here.)

(And yes, I admit that. I can't hide from it. It's not something I can get rid of - it's something I'm born with. BUT I can (and hopefully do) use my privilege to bring positive change.)

As we shared that glance Radley wanted to know what we were talking about. So I told him. All of it... in terms that he and his sister could understand and process. He asked questions, I answered them. He asked more questions. I answered them. Because, we are raising the change.

And we can't be silent.

You have a voice.

Use it.

Every day. 

When your friend tells a joke that ridicules a group of people. 
When you see injustice. 
When you pray out loud.
When you don't understand.
When you do understand.
When it is easy
Especially when it is hard. 

And most importantly.

When you speak to your kids because we are raising the change. And, friends, there is lots of change to be had.

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