
Friday Favorites: Edition All the Tears

Y'all. I am a crier. Like I cry at every freaking thing under the sun. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad. The crazy. The normal. The mundane and the unbelievable. I cry. It's what I do.

So, here are some of my favorite tear jerk moments from this week...

The little things tears - I've been exploring the big sale and I honestly get so overwhelmed. I've had my eye on the "blardigan" for a while because I wear a cardigan in my house every single day. This purchase makes sense, but I wouldn't pull the trigger. And a certain guy I know knows I won't. I got this late night text from him on Sunday... 

The hysterical truth tears - If you don't follow Jen Hatmaker on any form of social media, then you are missing out on life. She was in rare form this week. And by rare form, I mean she was saying typical things in her perfect JH way that makes us all love and adore her.

And while she speaks the truth and you are now laughing and crying. The comments y'all. You gonna need to buy yoself some Depends because OH.MY.LAWD.... 

The reminiscing tears - Am I the only person that cries at movie previews? We watched the original Pete's Dragon with the kiddos last weekend in preparation for the remake. All the dang childhood tears y'all. 

The Olympic Tears -  The Olympics has been filling the space on my newsfeed between politicians and I'm so excited when a video pops up for me to watch. Because, let's face it, I'm a sucker for any type of sporting montage. This video gives me sappy eyes every single time. Radley couldn't really understand, but I think even Ryan had a glisten in his eye...

The happy tears - Y'all. I probably watched this 163 times. At least. I texted, group messaged, snap chatted and then committed to finishing the show again by November 25. In a time where America is crazy, we at least have the Gilmores... all the happy tears!

That's a Friday night dinner I surely won't miss! Hope your week was great!

Linking up with  AndreaErika, and Narci for Friday Favorites!


  1. Oh that Jen hatmaker one had me rolling. I have that cardigan and love it!!

    1. JH is the BEST! She is full of so much truth!

  2. I am going to have to follow Jen Hatmaker. That is hilarious. I am so excited for the Olympics and Gilmore Girls. Have a great weekend!

    1. You MUST follow her!! We are waiting for the olympics, too! Can't wait!

  3. the happy tears - finding a friend that cries just like you do!

    1. Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion! :)

  4. I missed that JH post...oh my gosh!! Keith is always talking about "easy access". hahahaha
