
Tiny Tales Thursday...

Radley's class has been learning about planets for the past two weeks and he has REALLY gotten into it. Every day we talk about our favorite planets (except Earth) and why they are our favorites. We talk about the different characteristics of the planets like Jupiter is the biggest, Saturn has rings, Mercury is "really really really" hot, etc... 

I am pretty sure that Jody and Jeremy went through a planet stage because I remember very large books that GiGi probably still has with pictures. We lucked out and had a NASA book in Radley's closet (that may or may not be overdue to the Sherman High School Library from January 1996). Radley has even requested that we got to the library to check out more planet books this weekend. 

On our drive home from school he points to the A&M Campus and lets me know that he is going to study planets in "that building" when he is a Big Aggie. 

And so on and so on...

Something really clicked with the planets, so Ryan drug out his dad's old telescope the other night to take Radley to look at the stars and see if he could spot some planets. 

Emersyn was already in bed and I was inside with Landry when the door swung open and Radley ran in exclaiming:

"Mommy! I saw URANUS!"

Yeah. I giggled. I mean, who would name a planet that? I may have to knock my maturity level up a notch to be this kid's mom.

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