
Let's go in reverse...

Halloween brings more than ghosts and goblins to town, the day (or week these days) also means that we have about 236 more pounds of candy than we need in the house. Well, Holly came up with the amazing idea to go "reverse trick or treating" at Evans Library on campus. Our kids would pass out candy to the biggest kids around studying for their upcoming tests. PERFECT! (And not surprising that she would think of it). So Shelly, Holly, me and all the kiddos met on campus on Sunday to pass out some fun. 

Holly and Shelly have done this before at finals when their kids pass out bubble gum to encourage Aggies to "blow away finals" but this was a first for my crew. Radley immediately ran off with those two big boys and was in heaven while the girls stuck close to Holden who they have met several times and are a bit more comfortable with.

But they soon warmed up and just started chunking candy like pros while Holden gently (and quietly) passed out strips of paper explaining what and why these crazy kids were giving away sugar!

She was totally eating it up - I am not surprised. 

Fun fact: This is the first time that I have actually walked through the aisles of the library - you know where the books are located. Yeah, I got two degrees from this place and never checked out a book. 

I was thinking this would be a fun photoshoot backdrop....anyone else agree?

By the time they were done, Radley had gotten a comic book from a grateful Ag (we talked about how kindness begets kindness but also to noted that's not the purpose of service. Dang Aggies. ;)), the girls had lost the ability to keep voice levels low, and sweet Holden was exhausted from chaperoning those littles. ;)

Thanks for the fun idea, Holly! We had a blast!


  1. You have no idea how much I love that you guys were there! Sharing a love of serving others with friends is THE BEST!!! I'm sure the students won't agree but I can't wait for finals! ;) Thank you and your sweet family for joining us!!!
