
Kids Behind the Blog: May

I am in NYC for a couple of days so I PLANNED AHEAD and got these answers on our way to Hunstville on Sunday.

 #profoblogger #itmaysnowinTexas #neverhappenagain

Landry was in a MOOD, which is so typical of her. She really does things when she is good and ready and I've just learned to accept it. No sense in trying to make her do anything (unless it's necessary like taking a bath, being polite, etc...). She quickly fell asleep and I had to catch this on film...



What is something I always say to you?

I wuv you. 

What makes Mommy happy?

When I pick you a flower.

How do I make you laugh?

Say funny things and tickle me. And read me Book with No Pictures. 

What do you enjoy doing with me?

Drawing pictures and painting toes.

What is my favorite thing to do?

Kiss me and draw pictures.


What is something I always say to you?

"Be nice to your sister and brother!"

What makes Mommy happy?

When I give you warm hugs in the morning.

She always always always walks up to me and hugs me for a minute before she actually wakes up. It's the cutest. 

How do I make you laugh?

Saying funny things like "boo boo butt!" {See Landry's}

What do you enjoy doing with me?

Hanging out with you and snuggling. 

What is my favorite thing to do?

Talk with your Aggies and have slumber parties with me. 


What is something I always say to you?

I love you and I will always be there for you.

What makes Mommy happy?

Getting to sleep in!

How do I make you laugh?

Making funny faces on the phone and talking in funny voices. 

What do you enjoy doing with me?

Reading Harry Potter

What is my favorite thing to do?

Getting to spend time with your family and relax.

(Ummm...not sure if those go together, buddy! HA!)

Radley was so cute and kept trying to prompt the girls to say things that would make ME happy. I kept telling him that they could say whatever they wanted, but I am glad that there wasn't anything surprising. HAHA! Thanks for a fantastic link-up!

Linking up with these fun new blogs today


  1. Such cute answers. I love the warm hugs in the morning. They are the best!

    1. Every morning without fail...I'm gonna be so sad the day she outgrows it. I'll take them as long as she gives them!

  2. Warm hugs in the morning sounds good to me! I really like your selifies with the kids too.

    1. Hi Dara! Thanks so much! She gives the best hugs!

  3. What great answers! And I love sleeping in too!

    1. Word - if only it ever happened. But when I do get the chance to sleep - I wake up early! :)

  4. Great answers! That boy is smart.. sleep for the win!

    1. Sleeping is the best. If only I did it more often! :)
